Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Microsoft The Monopoly essays

Microsoft The Monopoly essays Is Microsoft a monopoly? There are a lot of operating systems on the market for you to choose from-Windows NT, OS2, Mac OS, Unix and some others. Our experiences with other operating systems have shown us that they are as good as Windows and are Windows-compatible. However, for some reason most large corporations and individuals choose Microsoft as their primary source of software. Microsoft, one of the largest software companies in the world was created by two college dropouts, Bill Grates and Paul Allen. Brilliant marketing and engineering techniques helped bring them to the top of the market world. They went from a simple software company to what is now arguably the most successful computer company in the world. Because of their huge success their company grew into what some people consider to be a monopoly. A monopoly is defined as a market structure characterized by a single supplier of a good or service for which there is no close substitute. Microsoft grew in popularity because of its advanced technology and easy use. Businesses started buying and using these programs and the general public wanted the same technology at home as they had at work. People were beginning to be taught Microsoft at school so it was easier for them to use it instead of learning a different program. Before long everyone was using Microsoft. Society was satisfied with Microsoft until they lost control and Microsoft began to control the market price. Though it is considered a monopoly it is a very different kind of monopoly then those in the past. Most monopolies have bought out their competition while Microsoft just dominates the market. Other monopolies have been their own suppliers of resources but Microsoft only controls one area of the production of their product. One example of a true monopoly was when John D. Rockafeller started Standard Oil and took over all aspects of the oil industry by purposely lo ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Differences Between Italian and English Capitalization

5 Differences Between Italian and English Capitalization While there aren’t a ton of differences between Italian and English when it comes to areas like punctuation or writing style, there are a handful you should know about in the realm of capitalization. Many words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian, and while knowing this won’t increase your spoken conversational ability, it will make your written communication, like emails and text messages, feel more natural. Differences in Capitalization Between Italian and English Italian and English capitalization differs in these areas: Days of the weekMonths of the yearProper adjectivesTitles of books, movies, plays, etc.Personal titles such as Mr., Mrs., and Miss. Days of the Week Here are some examples with the days of the week.   Arriva domenica. - He is arriving on Sunday.Ci vediamo lunedà ¬! - We’ll see each other on Monday! / See you Monday!Sei libero giovedà ¬? Ti va di prendere un aperitivo? - Are you free on Thursday? Do you want to get an aperitivo with me?A mercoledà ¬! - To Wednesday! (This is a common way to tell someone that you’ll be seeing them for the plans you made. In this case, the plans are on Wednesday.) Months of the year Il mio compleanno à ¨ il diciotto aprile. - My birthday is April 18.Vado in Italia a gennaio. Sicuramente si geler! - I’m going to Italy in January. It’s going to be really cold!A marzo, ho appena finito un corso intensivo di italiano. - I just finished an intensive Italian course in March. TIP: Notice how the preposition â€Å"a† goes before the month. Proper adjectives Proper adjectives are the descriptive form of the noun. For example, she’s from Canada (proper noun), which makes her Canadian (proper adjective). Lei à ¨ russa. - She’s Russian.Penso che siano canadesi. - I think they’re Canadian.Riesco a capire dal suo accento che lui à ¨ italiano. - I can tell from his accent that he’s Italian. Titles of Books, Movies, Plays, Etc. If you’re writing about a recent book or movie that you just read, you won’t capitalize the beginning of each letter in the title (excluding articles and conjunctions). Abbiamo appena visto â€Å"La ragazza del fuoco† L’hai visto anche tu? - We just saw Catching Fire. Did you also see it?Hai letto â€Å"L’amica geniale† di Elena Ferrante? Ti à ¨ piaciuto? - You read My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante? DId you like it? Personal titles such as Mr., Mrs., and Miss. Il signor Neri à ¨ italiano. - Mr. Neri is Italian.Il mio nuovo capo si chiama signora Mazzocca. - My new boss’s name is Mrs. Mazzocca. TIP: You can use both forms with personal titles. In a formal context, like an email or a reference letter, you’ll want to capitalize all of the titles, like Prof. Arch. Dott. or Avv. minuscole a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z maiuscole A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V Z

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical eaasy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical eaasy - Essay Example The textile materials treated by these chemicals have been banned in the markets in UK and US and so the organization resorts to selling its stock to the developing markets where there is no such legislation. The ethical dilemma in this problem The management of the organization had to make a decision between certain courses of action. There was an option of disposing the products that have been considered not fit for use and manufacture those that are required in the US and UK markets. There is also an option of looking for markets for the products in other regions that have no such regulations. The decision-making in the above case is bound by certain significant constraints. The initial problem that had ethical implications here is that the organization had already produced stock that was treated with carcinogenic agent. The organization did not want to run at a loss by disposing these products. The operations of the organization are also governed by the local, regional, and inter national regulations and a ban on such products in some countries will apply to this organization. Besides, there is also a need to consider the adverse effects of the products that led to its ban in these developed markets and whether it is ethical to introduce into the underdeveloped markets faulty products that have been rejected in the developed markets. ... It was then regarded unethical for a business organization to involve in the well-being of the society. In 1984, Edward Freeman proposed the Stakeholder theory that the objective of business is not only to maximize the shareholders’ profits but also to serve the interests of all the stakeholders of the organization (Crane & Matten, 2007, p.57). Stakeholders include all those parties influencing or affected by the decisions and operations of the organization and so the society is one such stakeholder. In solving such ethical dilemmas, we need to refer to the ethical theories that had been developed in moral philosophies like virtue theory (Aristotle), utilitarianism (Bentham), Immanuel Kant’s Universal law, and the Religious teachings among the other theories. The utilitarian approach will consider the consequences that a given decision will have on all the stakeholders of the organization including the shareholders (Petrick & Quinn, 1997, p.48). The products have been f ound to be contaminated with agents causing cancer. Selling these products to the consumers in the developing market is equivalent to exposing the consumers to cancerous agents. The overall costs to be incurred in managing the resulting cancer are unpredictably high and will be a threat to the economy. The developing markets may also not afford the same prices forcing the organization to lower its product prices thereby reducing the profits. Besides, a long-term effect will also be seen in its reputation in the emerging market should it be later known that the products were not fit. The organization will soon lose its position even in the emerging markets. Thus, the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Christian Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

The Christian Tradition - Essay Example Such worldwide reports as noted by Dr. Amin Abboud are: In Dusselford, in July 2001, German doctors reported that a patient’s own bone marrow adult stem cells were used to regenerate tissue damaged by a heart attack, improving his heart function. US doctors have taken adult stem cells from the brain of a patient with Parkinson’s disease and reimplanted them resulting in an 83% improvement in the patient. Washington Medical Centre treated 26 patients with rapidly deteriorating multiple sclerosis, twenty patients stabilized and six improved. Israeli doctors inserted adult blood stem cells into a paraplegic woman’s spinal cord. She regained bladder control and the ability to wiggle her toes and mover her legs. Surgeons in Taiwan have restored vision to a patient with severe eye damage using stem cells from the patient’s own eyes (2). However, with their highly optimistic battle to fight diseases, developing wise and ethically sound decisions in the field of m edical science is very challenging especially in the midst of increasingly complex technology. While adult stem cells therapy has proven to be effective in treating diseases, medical scientists’ ongoing research of developing new field of regenerative medicine through pursuing other ways of harvesting stem cells resulted to formation of the new avenue called â€Å"Embryonic Stem Cell†. This recent development has stirred considerable controversies. But why this becomes so controversial? Stem cell research has shown great promising treatment in some devastating diseases. Taking a closer look at the different kinds of stem cells and defining how they are derived will help us understand why this subject is so controversial. As reported by the National Institutes of Health in the United States (NIH), adult stem cell is an undifferentiated cell found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ such as bone marrow, blood and blood vessels, brain, skeletal muscle, skin, h eart, teeth, liver, and others. It has the ability to renew itself and can differentiate into tissues to generate some or all of the other major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ other than those from which they came. So, the main roles of adult stem cells in human body are to maintain and repair the tissue of which they are found. Actually, doctors have been using stem cells to treat certain blood disorders which involved transplantation of bone marrow, which is rich in blood-forming stem cells (Homepage chap 4). Thus, adult stem cells are obtained from living humans, either adults or children, wherein the process of extraction is not harmful. Stem cells are being taken from their bone marrow, blood and blood vessels, skin, spinal cord, brain tissue and also from umbilical-cord blood and the placenta after the birth of a child. Additionally, NIH explained that adult stem cells isolated from blood and bone marrow are called hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which have the ability to continually self-renew that made them responsible for production of billions of new blood cells each day. Since scientists have developed sufficient knowledge for using them as a therapy, doctors are routinely using hematopoietic stem cell transplants in treating cancer patients and other diseases related to blood and immune systems (chap 5). NIH additionally noted that normally amount of stem cells in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Focal Point Consultants Essay Example for Free

Focal Point Consultants Essay While observing CanGo for last two weeks we at FPC (Focal Point Consultants ) have identified some six major issue that we feel should be addressed to allow the organization to better achieve there over all goals. First Concern—Priority 1 CanGo appears to have a financial issue and there is has not been a complete audit to address this issue. Also CanGo needs to learn how to use the resources that they already have and redefine the processes and procedures. First Recommendation The financial team at CanGo needs to work with all the key areas of the company to conduct an audit of current processes. This audit will allow for everyone to review all the current processes that are in place and determine what they can do to enhance them and at the same time the financial team can use this data to outline how much the current processes are costing the company overall. At the conclusion of this analysis the reports will allow for the company to cut spending in the correct areas so that they can improves the others. There are many things that can be done to make improvements without spending money or having to acquire new technology or devices. Within the warehouse for example the layout can be enhanced even more so that people are not wasting time walking. Minor and Major changes to just the layout will allow the CanGo to improve efficiency and overall performance. Each department head needs to complete a detailed time study on the processes they outlined above. Once this time study is complete then the data can be used to see what is taking the longest and make changes to that process. By taking these steps it will allow CanGo to approach improvements in the correct manner by taking those actions that don’t have ny hit to the company’s bottom line. After all these types of changes are complete that is when and only when money should be spent on new technology and devices to make processes more efficient. Second Concern—Priority 2 The loyalty of customers for the specific targeting market is declining. Second Recommendation Think about how you want to be treated as a consumer. Now apply that same concept to the targeting market. Review the evaluations that are submitted by the consumers. It will tell what impression the company is making. Also, spend time in the Customer Service department. This the first point of contact for consumer. How they are handle will determine whether a consumer will return: Customer service might just be the most critical of all in running your business. If your customers like how they are treated, not only will they keep coming back, but they will refer you to others. Treating customers as individuals and not as a stepping stone up your ladder of success can go a long way. Listen to their concerns and build a relationship with them. If your customer feels as though you have their best interest they will be loyal to you. Your customers can really do a lot of your marketing for you. Word of mouth, especially in a world where Facebook and Twitter are some people’s main way of communicating, is a very powerful tool (Debs Marketing Connections, 2012). Third Concern – Priority 3 Online purchases CanGo has talked about that they have a high rate of items added to the online shopping cart. Although this information does not support the amount of purchases actually received via CanGo’s online website. Third Recommendation  Having a high rate of items added to an online shopping cart means that you have a good storefront and getting customer’s to actually place the items within there shopping carts. This is only one piece of the multipart puzzle. The shopping site needs to be enhanced to entice the customer to actually complete their purchase as that is how we are going to make money overall. Since there is a high traffic volume to the website we would also recommend that the marketing team reach out to a third party website advertising company that will pay to place ads on CanGo’s website. This will drive also be another source of revenue for CanGo so they can then reinvest this money back into the company. Fourth Concern – Priority 4 While Reviewing the videos from weeks 3 and 4 I saw a issue that they is an issue within the warehouse and they do have a solution but no really reviewed the reports that Debbie provided. I think that these reports should have been reviewed while in the meeting so that they could have discussed all the points of the issue and the recommended solution to the warehouse productivity issue. Then Liz asked the group a question I wonder how the board will feel about this recommendation. Fourth Recommendation A solution to this problem would be to complete a full audit of the issue and do a trial run analysis of the proposed solution. This would allow for recommendations to be made to the board and the results of the proposed solution can be given right away. As people need to see measurable figures so that they can tell if something will be worth putting the time and money into the project. Fifth Concern – Priority 5  In the week 4 Videos they are talking about the market segment of boys in Japan. They ask each other questions about how they can get the market analysis complete and then the gentlemen having lunch say that I will do it. Fifth Recommendation There are a couple of thing on this problem that needs to be solved first managers should not interrupt an employee’s lunch unless it is extremely urgent. This is an issue because the employee stated he is Just trying to enjoy my lunch break. The Manager should have approached the employee at a later time when he was not at lunch. Then there is the issue of the market analysis. This assignment should get assigned out to a third party marketing company that can tap into the market in Japan and gauge what the consumer wants. This would be a lot more cost effective than attempting the complete this analysis on their own and wasting resources that they dont have in the first place. Sixth Concern – Priority 6 Sales are not increasing as projected for the company possibly due to the design of the online purchasing process. Sixth Recommendation Place a test run on the current online purchase process as a consumer. Time the entire process to see how long it takes. As the test run is being completed, keep the consumers’ needs and wants in mind. Determine if needs were met as well as satisfied. View the information available to see if it’s appealing to lead to the purchase the item. Also, notate likes and dislikes of the experience. Have a group of employees to assist to gather more information for comparison. Determine what updates can be implemented to entice the consumer to make a purchase. Keep track of different trends to keep a competitive edge for things like: 1.  In-store pick up. In the past few months we’ve seen Walmart implement in-store pick up for orders placed online, while Sears and Kmart are going a step further bringing online purchases out to your car. In Chicago, Sears and Kmart are even testing home delivery and bundling items with those from its retail partners at Sears’ Marketplace, further blurring the lines between online only retailers and those that came before. And in Florida, Farm Stores lets shoppers order groceries online and pick up at a drive through. 2. Pick up depots.  Smaller retailers without a vast network of stores like Walmart or Sears may open designated pick up locations for goods ordered online. Retail consultant Neil Stern of McMillan/Doolittle points to French retailer Chronodrive. com as an example. 3. Mobile Apps. Smartphones are the dominant cell phone and apps for all platforms are growing. The ones that allow for price comparisons or send out coupons are already among the most heavily used with good reviews, but we’re just getting started. 4. Less flash more function. Forget about flashy apps or features like virtual dressing rooms.  Consumers haven’t responded to these and rightly so. Maybe the technology will get there, but until it does, user reviews are better gauges of clothing fit and quality than any technology can offer. 5. Video. Look for more user-generated video on retail sites. Retailers are letting customers upload video clips modeling new clothes or using a new purchase. Davis believes this is one trend that will definitely pick up speed. 6. Social networking. Facebook and Twitter aren’t even close to played out yet. Consumers can increasingly â€Å"like† or follow a favorite retailer and get discounts or tips on deals.  JCPenney is using Facebook to actually sell goods and more than 12 million consumers â€Å"like† Victoria’s Secret on Facebook as of last month (March), making it the most popular retailer on the site (its Pink brand ranks No. 2, according to the ChannelAdvisor Facebook Commerce Index). That’s an active population of customers reaching out and requesting information from the retailer. And social shopping is just getting started, says Jim Okamura, managing partner at Okamura Consulting, a group specializing in online retail. There’s evidence (that Facebook offers) a good return on investment and there are a lot of retailers that haven’t done anything yet,† he says. â€Å"This is going to be the year of Facebook testing. 7. Daily deals and flash sales. This may seem like a very crowded playing field, but sites like Ruelala and OneKingsLane are reproducing at a furious pace. And based on how quickly many items sell out, often within minutes of email notifications going out, more will jump on this popular trend. 8. Retail based social networks. This is one trend experts don’t expect to happen at any large level. Sears is still trying to build a social network of its own customers and Walmart tried and abandoned a similar effort, neither attempt bodes well for its success. Facebook really owns this space, but look for small, focused sites to create communities of like-minded users, says Okamura. 9. International. â€Å"There’s been an accelerating trend in international or cross border e commerce, of small niche online retailers are now doing 10-20% of their sales outside of their own country,† says Okamura. Look to online shops like SousVide Supreme that sells specialized cooking equipment and StyleTrek. com, a community built to launch up and coming international designers as models. Other big name retailers like Zara and Top Shop are building out their online business to reach U. S. shoppers, even as the store base grows more slowly. 10. Deal aggregators. Of course there are always deal sites, like Dealnews, ConsumerSearch, FatWallet and Brad’s Deals that are cutting through the din of so many sites and sales to bring consumers only the information they’re interested in. (Forbes, 2012).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Valuable Treasure We Can Use Every Day Essay -- Literary Analysis

Acceptance is one of the most basic yet elusive human rights. Surfacing as a recurring theme in many forms of media, from movies to literature, there is an echoing outcry of the desire to attain this fundamental need. Carefully constructed into a beautiful literary quilt, Alice Walker's, "Everyday Use" is an excellent example of the search for acceptance. Walker uses a definitive tone, deeply focused first-person point of view, and powerful imagery, to stitch together this family-heirloom-quality short story, highlighting the incomparable need for acceptance within the family circle and by extension, from the world as a whole. As the story unfolds, the narrating mother is challenged to disdainfully tolerate her daughter Dee, who rebelliously renames herself Wangero. This is a daunting task because of Dee’s seemingly unreasonable and elitist attitude. Her other daughter, Maggie has endured surviving a heinous childhood experience, and yet still manages to exude a practical, loving selflessness, that at times causes her to acquiesce to her sibling’s will and wishes. With the mother’s reactions to the girls’ conflicting personalities, Walker makes the clear-cut tone easy to distinguish throughout the account. Though she wishes things were different between Dee and herself, illustrated by her daydreams of having a happy reconciliation with her daughter in a â€Å"This Is Your Life† style reunion in which â€Å"Dee embrac[es] [her] with tears in her eyes†, and pins a beautiful orchid to her mother's dress; the eye-opening, true nature of their relationship quickly becomes exposed. The reader is rudely awakened by the fact that, despite her mother's apparent fondness for orchids, in real life, Dee is sure to let her mother know that â€Å"she th... ...s for whom we are in the best way they know how; or perhaps to see how badly they may need our acceptance. Finally, we must allow Walker’s sense-awakening imagery to bring to life all the instances we are exposed to that may require the giving or needing of acceptance. As we choose to look beneath the surface of this short, simple tale, we will inevitably find the well-hidden treasures of a definitive tone, the strategic use of first-person point of view and rich imagery; keys which can open up to us the author’s bounty of knowledge, experience and wisdom. These precious gems can accompany and enrich us on our quest to find, give, and receive true acceptance. Works Cited Walker, Alice. "Everyday Use." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Ed. Dana Gioia. 11th ed. New York: Longman, 2010. 455-461. Print.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Women Development

Women’s condition in Nepal is even worse compared to their average situation in the world. Despite positive and improving reports in the situation, there is a long way to go to really make them feel that they are not exploited and discriminated. The female literacy rate of Nepal is about 35 percent, according to recent report, compared to male literacy rate of 63 percent. This vast difference exists not only in educational sector but also in almost each sector. The education is the foundation of awareness and further development.When they are barred from education, there is chance of discriminations being unreported forcing women to be quiet. The women in Nepal are exploited in many aspects. Sexual abuse and girl trafficking still persists which demands adoption of immediate measures to prevent the situation from being more worsened. Most of the victims of human trafficking in Nepal are girls who end up in the brothel of Indian cities. The female victims of domestic violence a re kept secret with the fear of losing social reputation specially to be prevented form possible refusal from their male counterparts and there no clear law to deal with the situation.In the remote villages of Nepal, women take care almost everything from bringing up children, manage food, taking care of cattle, collecting fodder and firewood to working in the fields. Despite their significant contribution in the family and society, they are mistreated and blamed for minor mistakes. The situation of Nepalese women seems to be improving in cities but the scene in the remote villages and hinterland is not changing at all. They are the victim of religion, culture and their male ‘guardians’.The Chaupadi system in western hill region of Nepal is yet to be rooted out, the Kamlari system in West Terai is still allowing to sell innocent teenage girls to unknown masters. The Muslim society of the country is still not awaken up to send all of their daughters in school, the drunke n husband has not stopped beating his wife without any reason and Dalit women are still treated as second class citizen by so called upper classes. These are only some examples of current situation of women in Nepal. The worldwide condition of the women is not better either.No matter where, the half of the world population should be addressed in each and every aspect of the life. The mere participation can not be much effective for the overall development of the society. Women’s problems are effectively dealt only by women themselves. Keeping them out of the social and political activities may cause social dilemma in the nation. The vivid example of relation between empowerment of women and social and economical development can be seen in many developed European countries.Sweden, which is known as a country with the best condition of women in the world is one of the most developed country in the world as well. Though in those developed countries too, the situation of women is not better than those of male, they are doing their best to keep the balance and further improve the situation. Thus the messages from those developed countries is ‘Empowering female means development of the nation’. The female participation in social, economical and political activities in the country like Nepal is vitally important. Women's legal rights and participation in civil society are limited across the country.Nepal is moderately religious country with vast numbers of ethnic groups, though it has been declared as a secular state after king was striped of his power by reinstated parliament in 2006. Though it used to be Hindu kingdom, there were no religion-related fanaticisms in the country. Nepalese are also relatively less repulsive to change. Hence, improving the women situation in Nepal is comparatively easier than many other countries in the world. Women are contributing more than 50 percent of the agricultural jobs which is considered as a backbone of Ne pal’s economy (Agriculture contributes Nepal's total GDP by 40 percent).They are the first teachers of their kids who are the source of future development of the country. Active participation of women in social, political and political arena means educated kids, improved health situation slipped human trafficking, declining HIV/AIDS infection rate and many other in current Nepal’s social scenario. They can make much difference in the outlook of our current society. They must be encouraged and given opportunity to walk parallel with their male counterparts. Even though some important laws are still missing, there are substantial laws n the nation to guarantee the right of women. Many laws are being modified to address the real need of the change and to follow up the international regulations but the situation is not getting much better. The law is only the way, we are the walker and if we do not walk our talk, the situation of women may never change and so will do the n ation’s situation. Women on the other hand should be aware of their situation act on their own. Many organizations working in the field should be able to extend their approach to the villages of remote areas.Political parties are advocating their commitment on equal participation of women in all fields but it has not been seen in the practice. Political leadership is still largely occupied by men essentially leading unequal equal participation in policy making level. So, it has to be done from the very base level. Lack of education is root cause of the situation. Female education has been shown to have a dramatic impact on women's earning power and on families' welfare but progress toward gender equality in education still lags behind to those of boys.Education for all should be guaranteed by the government which will certainly help to eliminate not only women discrimination but also other discriminations (ethnic, regional, religious etc. ) across the country. Once the litera cy rate rises, so does the female participation in many areas. To empower women, it has to be done by act not by words. The empowerment of the women will be one big step forward to overall development of the nation. As Nepal has already been entered into a new age of change, equality between male and female should be one of the top most priorities for policy makers.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

General Information and Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease

This research paper in general provides various details about the Alzheimer’s disease. The various symptoms and the various methods used to detect this disease. It also provides in general information about the methods that are used to cure the disease. Some of the natural techniques used to cure it. The various social and physiological issue faced by people suffering from this disease. Introduction Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible brain disorder which has no cure.This disease affects its victims slowly over a period of time and leaves them with no or very little control of their mind. Some of the affects of Alzheimer's disease are partial or total memory loss, they are not in control of their mind to make judgments, it leads to personality changes in the affected person and many a times they loose their control over their language skills. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the disease that affect its patients over a long span of time and with out a warning.The symptom s of Alzheimer’s disease are very similar to that of old age and are many times misinterpreted as old age and by the time people realize the actual problem it is too late. Some of the most common and early signs of Alzheimer’s disease is the loss of short term memory and this is one of the ignored by many and slowly and steadily becomes worse over a period of time. There are a number of organizations that have been started to find a cure for the disease and also to help the victims cope with the stigma faced by them in the general public.One of the major organizations started to help this cause is the Alzheimer's Disease Research (ADR) which was established way back in 1985 to provide funds to organizations performing research on Alzheimer's disease and also to educate the general public about the disease and raise awareness about the same. Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer's disease was first detected by a German physiotherapist way back in 1901 when a patient was brought to him by her husband as he was not able to take care of her due to her ever diminishing mental health.He noticed that the patient was suffering from short term memory loss and cloud not remember a thing. He continued research on these symptoms for the next 5 years and presented the same at the 37th Assembly of Southwest German Psychiatrists. The name Alzheimer's disease became popular after it was written about by Emil Kraepelin in his book called â€Å"Textbook for Students and Doctors†. However in the whole 20th century this disease was assumed to affect only the people who were of age 60 and above.However in early 1980s it was realized that this disease could affect anyone in any age group and the name Alzheimer's disease was used to refer to all the patients who were contacted with this disease (Alzheimer’s Research Foundation). Alzheimer's disease stops the normal functioning of the brains and reduces its capabilities to perform normal everyday activities . The disease grows over a span of time and the affected persons control over his brain lessens as time passes. Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible disease which has no found cure.The person who is contacted with this has no or very little control his brain and is not able to think and understand things correctly. The patient many have short term memory loss and may forget his name and many a times it has been noted that the patient will walk away from home and wander around not knowing what is to be done. The first sign of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of short term memory. This is a sign which is ignored by many as a sign of old age and by the time one realizes the issue it is too late.Over a span of time the person looses his thinking abilities and finally it leads to a change in the personality of the person suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In the last stage the person become fully dependent on others for his day to day activity and has to be kept under supervision at al l times. The person may get infected by an infection which may eventually lead to his death. It is said that usually people over the age of 65 are contracted with this disease however one can come in contact with Alzheimer's disease at any age.However age is the key factor for people who suffer from this disease as it ahs been noted that the chances of a person having this disease increase as the person grows older (Wikipedia). Some of the common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are as follows; Short term Memory loss (Cohen): There are a number of symptoms that will be noticed in a person who is suffering Alzheimer's disease, however the most common and one of the symptoms that can be noticed in all the patients is the loss of short term memory.All the patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease loose there short term memory and are known to become forgetful. Short term memory loss is considered to be one of the key symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. However many time patients avoid te lling this fact to people around them and are know to smartly hide this issue. This is done by them to avoid being made fun by their family members and friends. Confusion and Wandering: Memory loss is followed by problems related to confusion where the affected person finds it difficult to perform even their everyday work properly.They find it difficult to perform some easy everyday work like cooking, eating etc very difficult to do. It becomes very difficlut for them to remember the name of people and places. It worsens to such an extent that they forget the names of their own children and grandchildren. This further worsens and the patient looses track of direction and finds it difficult to find his way around the house and many a times once he goes away from the house, does not know the way back home and is then referred to as a wanderer.In the beinging the affected person will not realize the problem and as time passes things will worsen and the person will find it very difficul t to find his way back home. Personal Care: The personal hygiene of the person suffering from Alzheimer's disease will deteriorate over the span of time. A person who would really take care of his hygiene will start ignoring it. The person will not want to have bath or brush his hair everyday, will forget to brush their teeth etc.Many times the person will start having a weird sense of dressing and will start wearing inappropriate dressing. In this stage a personal care taker will be needed to take care of the everyday work of the person and the patient will require constant help in doing their everyday activities. Mood Swings: A patient suffering from Alzheimer's disease will have massive mood swings and the person will behave differently on a day to day basis. There will also be sudden and quick changes in the person; they might start laughing when they would have been crying only a minute back.They might even start having fights and arguments with themselves or a non living objec t like the floor or even the television. They will start fighting with anyone around and will always be restless. They might even start talking to themselves and mumbling. Sundowner Syndrome: During the stage when the person starts having mood swings, he also starts suffering from the Sundowner Syndrome where the sunset has a very bad affect on the patients brain and the person becomes every restless and becomes over active during the night and early morning hours (Richter & Richter).Diagnosis (Alzheimer's Disease): The diagnosis of a person Alzheimer's Disease is a long and lengthy process and is based on the observations made by the physician over a period of time. A series of tests to check the memory of the person are done over a period of weeks or months to asses the condition. The physician performs number of other tests too to rule out any other disease that the person might be facing. This is done only to check for the symptoms of other diseases, as no clinical test has been proven to diagnose Alzheimer's Disease completely.All the diagnosis is based on the experience and knowledge of a physician who specializes in memory related disorders. The only guaranteed way to detect the Alzheimer's Disease is to do a micro scopic examination of the tissues of the brain. Causes of Alzheimer's Disease (Cohen): There are a number for theories have been formed about the causes that lead to Alzheimer's Disease, many of these have been accepted universally and on some of the other theories research is still on.Some of the causes of Alzheimer's disease are as follow (Richter & Richter)s: Bacterial Infection: Bacterial infection is considered to be one of the major causes of Alzheimer's Disease. Chlamydia Pneumoniae is a virus that usually affect the lungs, nose and sinusus of the infected, however it has been noted that this virus is very prominentnt in the brains of people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. In a research doen recently seventeen out of ninteen patien ts suffering from Alzheimer's Disease had the virus in their brains.Brain Damage or Head Injury: The chances of a person having Alzheimer's Disease become very high after a person has an head injury. The trauma that the brain has when a person has a head injury leaves traces of amyloid which is know to cause Alzheimer's Disease. Age Factor: Another major factor that increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease is the age of the person. It is said that the chances of Alzheimer's disease occurring increases after the age of 65 and every 5 years after that the risk increases by about 5 percent.Genetic Cause: It has not been scientifically proven that Alzheimer's Disease is a genetic disorder and people who have family memebers suffering from the diesease have a high risk of having the disease. However it has also been proven that genetic factors only increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Environmental Causes: There is also an argument about how high levels of aluminum in the environme nt increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease, however there is not scientific proof of this actually being a cause.Some of the steps to be taken to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease are as follows; Intellectual Stimulation: One of good ways to reduce the risks of Alzheimer's disease is by doing metal exercise and doing things that requires one to work their brain. This helps in keeping the brain healthy and in good shape. Regular exercise: Another good way to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease is by doing regular physical exercise. This helps reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body and also reduces the fat. This reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.Healthy Diet: The risk of Alzheimer's disease can be reduced by having food that is rich in vitamins and proteins. Also reducing the intake of fat also helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Lowering Cholesterol Levels: Reducing the levels of cholesterol in the blood also helps in reducing the chances of a pe rson having the disease. Many clinical trails are also on to check the risk factor. There is another study that has found that compounds found in marijuana known as cannabinoids helps in preventing Alzheimer's disease.However they have not been able to prove it for a fact or replicate the same. Some of the important facts about Alzheimer's disease are as follows (Alzheimer’s Research Foundation); 1. Over a 100 billion dollars are spent a year to do research and to find a cure for the disease. 2. Around 24 million people around the world suffer from Alzheimer's disease. 3. Around 5 million Americans are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. 4. It is estimated that over 81 million people around the world will be suffering from Alzheimer's disease by 2020.Conclusion It can be clearly understood the gravity of the disease and the problems faced by a person suffering from the disease. It is very important for a person to lead a healthy life and be careful if they have Alzheimer's di sease in their family as there are chances that they may have the disease themselves. It is also necessary that one does not ignore the symptoms of short term memory loss as this can be the beginning of the disease and if found at the right stage it is possible to slow down the process of it damaging your brain.Research is on to find out a cure for the disease and reduce the risks the disease. References Alzheimer’s Research Foundation. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. alzinfo. org/alzheimers-disease-information. asp? mtc=google&kwd=alzheimer's_disease&gclid=CIuZgcqL34sCFQIFEAodcyncXg Alzheimer's Disease. (n. d. ). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Alzheimer's_disease#History Cohen, E. Alzheimer's Disease. Richter, W. R. , & Richter, B. Z. Alzheimer's Disease.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essays

Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essays Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essay Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essay The Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market by Connected Devices (Cardiac Monitoring, Diabetes Management Devices), Health Apps (Exercise, Weight Loss, Womens Health, Sleep and Meditation), Medical Apps (Medical Reference) Global Trends Forecast to 2018 analyzes and studies the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World. Browse 101 market data tables with 84 fgures spread through 277 pages and in-depth TOC on Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market by Connected Devices (Cardiac Monitoring, Diabetes Management Devices), Health Apps (Exercise, Weight Loss, Womens Health, Sleep and Meditation), Medical Apps (Medical Reference) Global Trends Forecast to 2018 Download a free copy of PDF [emailprotected]:// www. marketsandmarkets. com/pdfdownload. asp? id=1232 Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report. This report studies the global mobile health apps solutions market over the forecast period of 2013-2018. The mobile healthcare market comprises of connected medical devices, healthcare application, and related mobile technology. The global mobile healthcare market is estimated at $6,336 million in 2013 and is poised to reach $20,683 million by 2018 at a CAGR of 26. 7%. Connected devices dominate the current market with around 85% of the total revenue contribution. Among different applications, cardiac monitoring and fitness tracking are the most prominent uses of mobile-enabled connected devices. With increasing awareness of the need for ealthy lifestyles, patients prefer vital signs monitoring on a continuous basis. The mobile application market is in an introductory phase, but is highly fragmented with an ample number of software-developing companies. A major restraining factor behind the growth of paid apps is the free access to maximum smartphone apps. Free apps constitute almost 90% of the download market of healthcare applications. Furthermore, significant price difference between health and medical apps lowers the adoption rate among healthcare professionals. Though the number of downloads f health apps contributed almost 90% to the healthcare applications market, revenue contribution by these apps was not significant due to its very low average price range ($1 $2/download). Consideration of a mobile application as a medical device is also a questionable issue, although the FDA is formulating a framework to regulate the apps market. As of now, there are a few certified applications in the unstructured gamut of the application market. Rising popularity may increase the download price of device-independent healthcare apps; hence, the revenue ontribution to the mobile health market is expected to be more significant. Major driving factors of the mobile Health market include the growing adoption of smartphones, tablets, and PDA, increasing awareness of chronic diseases management, advanced connectivity such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, robust penetration of 36 and 4G network, and a promise of better cost efficiency during medical practices. On the other hand, stringent FDA and EIJ regulations, and data insecurity restrict market growt . Inapproprlate patient-doctor ratlo In unaeraevelopea countrles ana ther potential mHealth platforms such as smart TV promises prospective business opportunities in the global mobile Health market. Since its inception (21st century), North America has contributed the maximum to both the devices and applications markets. The Asian mobile healthcare market is majorly contributed to by Japan and China, whereas the U. K. represents the most promising country in Europe. Several government initiatives such as mDiabetes, Indo-Dutch Project Management Society (IDPMS), Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA), EpiSurveyor, Ushahidi, FrontlineSMS, OpenMRS, RapidSMS, and Mwana accelerates the rapid adoption of mHealth technology in emerging countries such as South Africa and Brazil. Though the healthcare apps market is highly fragmented with a large number of software- developing companies, the connected device segment is dominated by Philips (The Netherlands), Medtronic (U. S. ), Nike (U. S. ), Omron Oapan), and Alere (U. S. ). On the other hand, AT (U. S. ), Qualcomm (U. S. ), Cerner (U. S. ), and Diversinet (Canada) are the major technology providers that enhance healthcare solutions.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024] - CoSchedule Blog

How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024] Blog Keyword research: Is it dead, or is it still a helpful strategy when developing your content? The answer is that it’s still a vital part of many marketers’ strategies! If you know how to use keyword research and SEO properly, you know they’re not going anywhere! Today’s guest is Ann Smarty, the brand and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She is also the founder of She’ll be sharing advice on finding core terms, find good keywords, structure your content, and a whole lot more. This episode is jam-packed with valuable information, so take the time to listen. A bit about Ann and what she does at Internet Marketing Ninjas and with her other projects. What Ann thinks about the misnomer that keyword research is dead and why she believes keyword research is so beneficial for content marketing. Where to start if you are new to keyword research: finding the right core terms and focusing on keywords that have high demand and low competition. What keyword intent is and why it’s important for a marketer to understand it. Ann talks about the difference between informational intent, transactional intent, commercial intent, and navigational intent. Where to put keywords within the content: Does keyword frequency and specific placement matter? Ann shares her best recommendation. An explanation of keyword strings and how they play a role in search engine optimization. Ann’s best piece of advice for someone brand new to keyword research. Links: Ann on LinkedIn Internet Marketing Ninjas MyBlogU MyBlogGuest Google Keyword Planner Serpstat The Ultimate Content Marketer’s Guide to Keyword Research If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Ann: â€Å"Keyword research is evolving and it will be there for many years to come.† â€Å"Brainstorm with your team and write down which terms describe your business best.† â€Å"Don’t try to optimize everything. Focus on creating in-depth content.†How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024]Transcript Nathan: Keyword research is dead, right? Or not. It turns out some marketers just misunderstand how to use keywords effectively within their content. At least that’s what you’ll learn from Ann Smarty. She’s the Community and Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas and the founder of And as Ann knows, neither keyword research nor SEO are going anywhere. What should you do now? You can listen to Ann share some super practical advice on this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast. You’re about to learn how to find your core terms, research valuable keywords, estimate your competition, understand your searcher’s intent, structure your content, organize everything and a whole lot more. I’m Nathan from and I am super pumped about this jam packed episode. Let’s hear what Ann has to share. Hey Ann, thanks a lot for being on the podcast today. Ann: Thanks for having me. Nathan: I’m super glad to be having you. I know that we’ve been following a lot of the content that you’re creating, so you are a great mind to be talking to about SEO in general. With that, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yourself and what you do. Ann: Absolutely. Right now, I’m Brand and Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninja, that’s the company based in New York, United States. I’ve been into search marketing for probably 10 years now. I’ve lost count and I came from Ukraine, which is where I started, which is where I got known and which is where I got invited to the United States to pursue my career here. I have a few side personal projects as well. My oldest project is MyBlogGuest, I guess many people know that one. I also have my Viral Content B and MyBlogU right now, those are platforms for bloggers to promote their content, to come up with content ideas, to help each other, that kind of stuff. I specialize in marketing tools, I know lots of them, I do a lot of blogging. I’m pretty well versed with keyword research, content brainstorming and stuff like that. Nathan: I think that’s a great transition to what we want to talk about today with the topic of keyword research and especially for content marketing. To begin this conversation, sometimes I hear that folks say keyword research is dead. I’d really love to hear your perspective on this. What’s your take on keyword research being dead or dying? Ann: The short answer, it’s not. I know where this rumor is coming from because search engines got so much advanced, they do not need so much mathematics right now to understand what people are searching, so that’s why people think that they do not rely on keywords as much as they used to. Which is partially true but keyword research is more evolving than dying. It’s much less about exact keyword strings and much more about in depth content, concepts mentioning all those entities and stuff. It’s evolving, becoming more natural because it’s adapting to mobile searching where people just say what they to find instead of typing those keywords. It’s evolving but it’s still there and it probably will be there for a lot of years to come because it helps people to understand demand, they help people, they help us to understand what people are interested in, they help in brainstorming, they help structure your content. It’s definitely alive and thriving. Nathan: Maybe just to dig a little bit deeper into some of those benefits, I was wondering if you could explain why keyword research is so important for content marketing? Ann: First of all, keywords are words, terms that people type or say into the search engine to find whatever they are looking for. That means the more popular their keyword is, the more we know about the demand of that particular audience. If they tend to type ‘Vegetarian restaurants in Atlanta,’ that tells us that probably there are many vegetarians that cannot find a good restaurant in that particular area. That shows the demand and that shows how we can cater to that demand. That’s the first step for us to analyze what people are interested in in your industry. Secondly, keyword research helps in brainstorming content. If you want to dig deeper into what people are looking for, you can write content about that type of thing, answering those questions, so people can search and find your article. It’s very useful analytics and competitive advantage too. Nathan: Ann, we know that keyword research is not dead, it’s really important to connect with your audience searching for stuff that you’re writing about. I was wondering if you could explain where should someone start who’s new to keyword research? Ann: The first step is to understand what is your core terms. That’s where we start any keyword research that we use. The core term is probably what you yourself should definitely find yourself because you’re in that industry, you know what you’re doing, you know what type of business you’re owning. It’s the word that we are going to expand with all those other little words to go with. For example, if I’m in the restaurant business again, my keyword is not the restaurant because I don’t want to rank for restaurant in the Google Search, first it’s impossible. Secondly, it’s probably useless because people are not looking for just restaurant. They are looking for restaurant in your area, they’re looking for vegetarian restaurants, they are looking for more specific things. That core term is really your first thing you want to rank in Google. Again, if I’m in the restaurant business, I want to rank to for restaurants in Atlanta because that’s where I want people to find me. Or if I’m creating a content course, I want to rank for content marketing course in Google for people to find me, that’s my core term I want to rank in. That’s up to you which your core term is. Nathan: It makes a lot of sense. Ranking for something like restaurant doesn’t really help you out. People could be searching for a definition or something like that. I want to explore the idea of core terms just a little bit more. How can a marketer find those core terms? Ann: First just regular brainstorming probably with your team, you sit down, you just write down which terms describe your business best. If you are really new to the industry, which is of course also an option, you go to things like glossaries, you just search those words on Google and find thesaurus or other generic things that you don’t know about the industry and you find those terms that describe whatever you’re doing. You find maybe synonyms to your obvious terms that you know, there is also a good tool that Google provides, it’s changing all the time. I’m still using it but it’s not that as easy as it used to be, but still it’s a good one, Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool. You type your word there, it will show you not just that word but also related terms, terms that people tend to be interested in when they are searching for your words. You create a list. Don’t do too many, 10 core terms is a great list to start with. Nathan: Another thing about keyword planning and keyword research is valuable keywords, this is something you’ve written about. I was wondering if you could define what you mean by valuable keywords. How can a marketer find those valuable keywords? Ann: Let’s go back to that restaurant example of ours. It’s an easy example that’s why I keep going back to it. Restaurant is not your term, it’s a generic term that people could type but you will not really benefit from ranking there. Let’s say your core term is restaurant in Atlanta. That’s the word you ideally want to rank for in top five, probably top three in Google. But it’s an obvious one and probably it’s very tough to rank for because it has that huge competition that will be very hard to beat and it will take years to get there. It’s a good word but it’s probably not that valuable for you. The idea of keyword research is find those terms that not only have high demand but they also have low competition, those gold things that you want to be on top of Google and it will not take you as much time to rank for your really obvious core term. Nathan: Something there you just mentioned was competition. I was wondering if you could explain for me how you estimate competition for keywords? Ann: First of all using the tools. The tool that I just mentioned, Google Keyword Planner has that built in, they would show you the competition, it’s either low, medium or high. Beware that it’s the competition in Google AdWords. Those are probably not necessarily the competition in Google search that will be the same. For example, again, if you want to check restaurant, it might not have a huge competition Google AdWords because no one want to pay money to rank there but it’s really huge competition in generic Google search. Take that in mind but do use the data. Another tool that I’m using is Serpstat, they also show the completion and the tool lets you filter or sort results by competition. For example you can check the filters and only see low competitive results. But again, it’s also based on commercial data. Those advertises that pay money to rank in Google. Once you have your list of core terms and other terms that you want to rank for, make sure to search them in Google and see some signs of lower competitive terms. I’ll first describe the signs of high competitive terms. If you see many homepages ranking on top 10 in Google, that’s probably a competitive term because homepages are the most powerful pages of websites. If they dominate top 10 in Google, that means a lot of websites want to be there, it’s probably not that easy to be among them. Look for terms that have the variety of searchers out, sometimes it’s the homepage, sometimes you see a nautical ranking there. Those are terms that will not be that hard to beat. Another thing to check is huge sites. If you see huge players ranking on top 10, like Wikipedia, Amazon, eBay, all those searches are really, really hard to outrank because those are very powerful domains. They can be different in different industries, you probably know the biggest corporate players in your industry so look out for them. If they dominate top 10, it will be hard to be among them if you’re a small business for example. My biggest and most useful advice is just search Google for those terms you want to rank for and look for those signs, see how difficult it might be to be there on top with them. Nathan: I want to explore just another facet. I think another really big part of keywords research is understanding intent. I was wondering if you could explain just a little bit about what is keyword intent and why it might be important for a marketer to understand? Ann: Keyword intent represents what a person who types those words in Google is willing to do, the action, the action they are going to take. Some people search Google to find information. This is informational intent, they really want to find articles to understand more about the concept. They are not really going to go any further and buy or spend money at this point of time. This is informational intent. There is another type of keyword intent, it’s called transactional. That’s really when a person wants to buy something. That’s a very commercial intent and that’s when you will see a lot of Google Ads on top because advertisers are ready to pay money to be there. And there is also the third type of keyword intent that’s called navigational. That’s when a searcher wants to find a company, they know which brand they’re searching for. For example if I type Valentine’s Day gift Amazon, I probably want to find those valentines gift ideas on Amazon. I’m not really much interested in any other domains that can be there. That’s called navigational keyword intent. Some people also distinguish the fourth type of keyword intent that’s called commercial. That’s something in the middle between information and transactional. Some people search for valentine gift ideas, that means they want to read more about that, get inspired, brainstorm. When they find something really worthy, when they feel inspired, they’re also willing to buy. That’s both informational and transactional intent. If you are lucky or if you do a good job at creating content and inspire people, you may end up with a sale as well. Nathan: Another part of this is just making sure that everything’s organized behind the scenes with all of the different sorts of keywords intents and different core terms that we have. I was wondering if you could explain for us how do you organize your keywords. Ann: Keywords can be overwhelming when you start researching or looking using all those tools I mentioned. You will see that you have list and list, dozens of keywords. If you export to Excel, you will end up with hundreds of them. Without proper organization, you will probably be lost and the keyword research process will not be useful for you as much. Start organizing those keywords with the very first tool you’re using. It is the first step, not just collecting list by list and then doing something with it, no. Start right now and start with the first type. The most obvious one, organize by intent. If you see some keywords that you think are informational, put them in a different spreadsheet or different column and assign a content team to take care of those. If you see keywords with transactional intent, that’s something to probably give to your sales people or whoever is managing your product listings for them to understand which products to put on top, which products needs to have some more content descriptions, maybe reviews, how to put those products that people are mostly interested in on them, on top, give them some priority. If that’s commercial intent, keywords with commercial intent can be both sold great content but make sure to mention those products in that content as well. The navigational intent is for your reputation management team probably. Make sure from reading those keywords lists, you already know what to do, which action and which team is going to take care of those. From there you can go to organize by action, some keywords can become new content so you assign action, create new content, the other keywords maybe better for your already existing content so you will reoptimize your old content and URL, what you’re doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is also another way to organize those keywords is by content tab. You are going to create frequently asked question section or there could be a blog post or that could be an in depth guide on ebook, for example or it could be glossaries, product reviews, all those types of content that you are going to create, put those ideas next to those keywords right when you’re going through them. That’s a good start for organizing those keyword research ideas that you have. Nathan: I was wondering, let’s just say we have a bunch of ideas, we know what we’re going to execute, let’s say we’re actually creating the content, I’m wondering if you could share where we put keywords within our content? Ann: It’s a funny question it used to be different in the past when people had those notion of keyword frequency within the article. You knew that you had to mention this keyword x amount of times and Google will understand this article is about this keyword. It’s the oldest SEO tactic under the sun and people still get confused because they still think it’s a valid one. These days, we don’t recommend doing any keyword frequency or percentage in text, it just makes the content sound funny. What I prefer is putting those keywords in important parts of the article. It could be the title, the actual main name of the article and the page that you have. Make sure that you mention your keyword there. The most prominent part of the article of any web page is its title. First, it’s what people see in search results when they search. If you’re doing a good job, people search for Atlanta restaurant, you will see those keywords bold in search results there in title and that’s why people click. It’s the most important part of the page to put your keyword into. Probably mention that somewhere on top of the article so that people will see that that’s what they want to see, understand that, hey, this keyword is mentioned so I’m staying on this page and then I’m reading through the site, it’s a good way to decrease the bounce rate of the page and get people through into that content is to mention those keywords in the first two paragraphs, I would say. Another good place is the top headings, those sub sections of the webpage. For example if I was writing about, I don’t know, again, if I have a list of Atlanta restaurants, I have subheadings about vegetarian restaurants, steak restaurants, Indian restaurants, Mexican restaurants, all those top headings make sure not just say vegetarian restaurants but use your main keyword, vegetarian restaurants in Atlanta. Don’t forget to use the whole keyword on those top headings where you list those restaurants further. Those top headings is really important. Also, the URL of the page. The actual URL is also a good place to put those keywords into. Make sure your content does sound natural, so don’t go all crazy about putting those keywords as often as possible. Find those prominent places that search engines and your readers will see on the spot, so they will understand, hey this is the page I was looking for. Nathan: I think that’s a really great breakdown Ann. Thank you for that. One other part that’s really important for keyword is understanding keyword strings and I was wondering if you could explain what keyword strings are and how they might play a role with search engine optimization? Ann: Keyword string is the exact way a keyword is placed in search. It’s the exact query. It also causes lots of confusion. For example, what should I rank for, Atlanta restaurant or restaurant in Atlanta? Those are two different keyword strings and we want to make sure that both of them make it to your page. It’s not as important as it used to be, and the past Google relied very heavily on those keyword strings. If you rank for Atlanta restaurant, you were nowhere to be found for the restaurants in Atlanta. These days, Google understand that much better. If you’re on top on Google for one phrase, you will be somewhere in the same position for another things as well because Google knows that’s the same way people just put in the search box. Make sure you understand those related keyword strings and you mention them somewhere in the article but don’t create different pages for each of them. That was a very popular tactic back in the days, creating separate page for Atlanta restaurant in the singular, separate page for Atlanta restaurants, plural, separate page for restaurants in Atlanta, we had all those different pages targeting each keyword string. These days it’s not about that. Create one in depth page targeting all of them and mentioning all the related concepts, entities, synonyms, everything that make the article rich and the content of the page rich. That’s why I mentioned that in the article don’t try to optimize for everything but focus on creating in depth and right content that includes all the concepts, all of the entities, all the synonyms and that’s how Google understands that this is a content worth of ranking high. Nathan: I think all of this has been really great advice. I have just one more piece to ask you about this. Let’s say that someone is brand new to this, what would be your best advice for someone new to keyword research? Where do they even begin? Ann: Begin with your head, first of all. No one will be as good as you in telling what your site is about. I mean it. You somehow ended up in that industry, you somehow ended up in that Niche, you somehow found it. Start with how you would be looking for what you’re doing, how you would search for that. Create the list of three or five words that you yourself are using to find something and then just branch out, find synonyms, related terms using tools like Serpstat, Hrap, STM Rush, again Google Keyword Planner. Play with those tools for a week before you understand what are your valuable terms and search for everything that you find on Google. One more thing here, make sure that you disable those personalized results because you would see your own private results and they will mess up with what you’re searching, so disable that. Search for every, every keyword that you are looking to include in your website and optimize full. Nathan: Ann, I think that’s really great advice, I want to say thanks a lot for being on the podcast, for sharing your advice on keyword research even optimizing our content using keyword strings. This was great. Thank you so much! Ann: Thank you for having me. Thanks a lot. Nathan: A little over a year ago, our blog manager Ben joined the team here at . Ben came to with a ton of SEO knowledge and when he implemented the best practices Ann covered in this episode, we grew our organic search traffic by literally hundreds of thousands of views that helped us boost our traffic dramatically which in turn helped us generate bigger results. Thanks Ann for sharing all of your advice on keyword research and thanks to you too for checking out this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The fame of michael jackson in middle east Essay

The fame of michael jackson in middle east - Essay Example Michael Jackson achieved his popularity in the Middle East from several of his strengths and preferences despite him being a very troubled man. It is paramount that the success story was not achieved easily but was one that was realized through resilience and hard work. The pop star overcame the racial discrimination age and was able to secure white audience along with his black supporters. Michael Jackson’s iconicity evolved around a combination of multiculturalism, religious orientation, and commitment to philanthropy, American individualism, and consumer capitalism as well as his regular world tours. Philanthropic ambitions by Michael Jackson at the height of his widespread music career saw him undertake a new interest in other cultures and religions, particularly the Muslim culture and the Arabian culture. At one time, Michael admitted to a preference for the Islam religion as he felt that the Islam religion resonated more with his values and believed. He even donated money to build a mosque in the Bahraini capital where he used to own a house. He also had several friends in Bahrain including the son of the former dictator Muammar Gaddafi. It was evident that most of the Bahraini people loved Michael because when he passed away, most people commented that they had lost a fellow Bahraini. The â€Å"Bad† world tour lasted over 16 months and involved con certs performed by Michael in 15 countries. In the concerts, Michael campaigned against racialism, social injustices, poverty, and environmental degradation. He achieved the sensitization against all these vices through his lyrics and imagery in his music such as ‘we are the world’ and ‘they don’t’ care about us’. Michael Jackson’s fans in the Middle East began to see Michael as a global symbol and not merely as an American. His music became the first popular music to be allowed in most Middle and Far East countries such as China in the 1980s when these countries were opening up. Most

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business law term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business law - Term Paper Example For movies and creative work a clear understanding by the actors, producers and directors of copyright law and trademark laws of the land are quite essential. These important detailed are necessary in making clear the ownership of such creative works and the brands. The issues involved include intellectual property rights and who has legitimate claim on them. In the movie there is a debate on who are the owners of the images and songs of the movie. For clarity of these proper contracts between the producers and the creative professional should be apparent. Copyright law for example is about is the exclusive right given under certain government exclusive rights to a work to the original producer of such works. This works have to be registered and in the case that they are not registered then the first producer provided he or she can prove his originality automatically becomes the copyright holder. This paper however shall focus on copyright law and trademark laws governing the movie Pinocchio. So far it is estimated that Pinocchio the movie has over 1000 copyrights in the United States of America. These copyrights of the Disney movie were done in 1957 and renewed in 1985 and will enter in the public domain in 2052. Pinocchio also clearly teaches the audience both the readers of the literally work and those who watched the movies on the elements of a contract. A contract is basically an agreement between two or more parties to fulfill a certain obligation in a specified period of time for a consideration. This fictional character Pinocchio who was a puppet had a burning desire to become a little boy after he was magically transformed to life. The blue fairy promised to turn him into a boy only if he proved himself as worthy. He was to prove his character and show his selflessness before he could be turned into a boy. When we look at the elements of contract we see here there was an offer and